
Human Body

Human Body

Human Body Introduction
and Parts of the Body

The head is at the top of the body.  The head has eyes, nose, a mouth, and ears!

We have two arms.  Arms are long and thin.  Hands are at the end of arms.  Arms helps us to reach things!

Legs are at the bottom of the body.  Legs are long and thin.  Feet are at the bottom of legs.  Legs help us to move and run!

The torso is the middle part of the body.  The head, arms and legs come out of the torso.

Hands are at the end of arms.  Each hand has five fingers.  Hands help us to hold things and to do things.  We can write and catch a ball with our hands!

Feet are at the bottom of our legs.  Each foot has 5 toes.  Feet help us to balance.  We can walk and run on our feet.

We have two eyes.  Our eyes help us to see the world around us.  We can understand how things look by using our eyes!

Our nose helps us to smell things.  We can also breathe in and out of our nose.

Ears help us to hear.  We can understand the sounds around us by using our ears!

We use our mouth to talk and eat.  Our mouth has teeth, and a tongue!

Human means a person.  Animals and plants are not human.  Only people are called human.

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