
Life Cycle
Frogs and Tadpoles

Life Cycle
Frogs and Tadpoles

Animals Vocabulary

Animals go through a cycle from being born to being an adult.  This is called the life cycle.

An egg has everything inside of it to make a new animals.  Fish, birds, and reptiles lay eggs.  The eggs hatch and a new animal grows.  Many animals use eggs to create new animals!

Some animals have scales.  Scales can be hard.  Scales help to protect an animal.  Scales can be colorful.  Fish, snakes and reptiles have scales.

A tadpole is a very young frog.  A frog lays an egg.  The egg becomes a tadpole.  A tadpole can swim.  A tadpole can breathe in water.  When the tadpole gets older it will become a frog.

A froglet is a young frog.  A tadpole becomes a froglet.  The tadpole grows small legs, and starts to grow lungs to breathe on water.  It is now called a froglet.  A froglet is a young frog!

A frog is an animal.  A frog has legs.  A frog has lungs so the frog can breathe air.  A frog can jump.  A frog can live on land and water!