Life Cycle- Frogs and Tadpoles
Animals have a life cycle.
This is the time from when they are born, to when they are adults.
Frogs lay eggs.
The eggs becomes tadpoles.
The tadpoles swim!
Tadpoles have gills. Gills help them breathe under water.
Tadpoles swim. They do not have legs.
After a while, tadpole grow little legs.
They start to grow lungs.
These will help them live on land.
The tadpole becomes a frog!
A frog can live in land and water.
A frog can jump.
A frog can breath air.
A frog will lay eggs and make more eggs.
The eggs will become tadpoles.
The tadpoles will become frogs.
This is a life cycle.
A life cycle is an animal going from a baby to an adult animal!