
Color of Light
Prisms and Rainbows

Light, Color and Sound Vocabulary

The Sun gives us light and heat.  Light is made of tiny parts called particles.  Light makes waves.

White light is made of all of the colors of a rainbow!  When all of the colors are put together, the light looks white!

Red, blue, yellow, green and orange are colors!

A piece of glass or plastic can be in a shape like a triangle.  This is called a prism.  When light goes through a prism it bends.  Different colors bend different amounts.  So when white light goes through a prism it separates the colors.  We can now see all of the colors of white light!

When there is water in the air, and sunlight, we sometimes get a rainbow.  When sunlight goes through drops of water, it can bend the light.  When light bends some colors bend more, and some colors bend less.  This separates the colors of light.  It can make a rainbow!