
How We Talk

Light, Color and Sound Vocabulary

We can make sounds that people can understand.  This is called to talk.  We push air from our lungs.  The air goes by our vocal cords.  The vocal cords make. sounds. We use our mouth, our tongue, lips and teeth, to make shapes that make sounds.  In this way we can talk!

Our mouth is in our. head. We can eat with our mouth.  Our mouth has lips, a tongue and teeth.  The back of the mouth goes to the throat.  Food we eat goes down the throat.  

We take air into our lungs.  This is called to breathe.  We then push air out of our lungs.

Inside our throat are vocal cords.  Sounds make air vibrate.  Vibrate means move back and forth.  Vocal cords make air vibrate.  We can push air from our lungs.  Our vocal cords will make the air vibrate.  This makes different sounds.

Vibrate means to go back and forth.

Sound is made of waves.  A drum makes air vibrate.  Vibrate means to move back and forth.  This makes waves.  These are sound waves.  Our ears are able to hear the sounds!