


Animals make new animals.  Reproduction is how animals make new animals.  Some animals lay eggs.  Some animals give birth to their young.

Animals can protect themselves with camouflage.  Animals can hide with camouflage.  Camouflage is how an animal has fur or scales that match their environment.  This makes it harder for other animals to see them!  This helps to protect the animal from predators!

Some animals move to new homes during part of the year.  This is called migration.  Birds, butterflies, and whales migrate!

Many animals live with other animals.  They live in a group and help each other to survive.  This is called a community.

Some animals bodies change a lot when they grow.  Frogs start out as tadpoles.  They becomes frogs.  Butterflies start out as caterpillars.  They becomes butterflies.  This big change is called metamorphosis!

Some animals go to sleep for the winter.  This is called hibernation.  Bears hibernate.  

Animals go through a cycle from being born to being an adult.  This is called the life cycle.

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