Animals do things to help them survive.
This is called to adapt.
Animals find food.
Animals protect themselves.
Animals live in environment that are good for them.
Animals have fur, scales, and shells. These help to protect the animal.
Feathers help birds to fly.  By flying, they can move places, find food, and escape from predators.
Turtles have shells. The shells protect the soft inner part of the turtle from predators. Predators are animals who eat other animals. The animals they eat are called prey.
Chameleons can change the color of their scales. They can hide from predators by doing this.
Some bears live in very cold places. It is cold in the winter and there can be very little food. The bears adapt. How do they adapt? The bears can hibernate. The bear builds a den to sleep in during the winter. The bear eats a lot of food to store fat and energy for the winter. The bear adapts to the cold winter by hibernating.
Frogs adapt to their environment. A frog starts out as an egg. The egg becomes a tadpole. A tadpole can live in water and breathe in the water through gills. The tadpole will grow legs and lungs so the frog can live on land. The tadpole becomes a frog. The frog can live on land and water.
Animals adapt to help them survive. Animals are able to move to find food. They have bodies that protect them. Their colors and body can hide them from predators.
Animals adapt!